Friday, August 29, 2008

old age

Age is catching up to me. I about failed my drivers lisence eye exam last year and have been getting by with some cheap reading glasses for the last two years so I decided it was time for an eye exam. My fears have been confirmed. I need glasses, bi-focals no less. I am not terribly fond of the idea of wearing glasses but I am sure getting tired of not being able to see.

The only problem right now is that the doctor put some drops in my eyes to dialate them and I can't focus on anything. Everything is so bright I feel like I need to go hide out in some dark closet for a while. Getting old is wonderful?!!


Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Did you go to the eye Dr. today? I must be super old cuz 5 years ago I couldn't pass the eye exam without my glasses:)

Unknown said...

Whoa! That makes me sad. Only grandmas and grandpas wear bifocals!

TJ and Whitnee said...

Your kind of slacking on your blog... I heard you have you work tonight, so maybe you should update your blog!

Dan and Sara said...

I have bad eyes too, so I'm sure in 20 years or so I'll be having to use bifocals too... yuck!

My dad has always had perfect vision and he's recently started wearing glasses too (but he only uses them sometimes.) Aging does stink!

The Tomlinsons said...

So bad eyesight must not be a Whiting trait, since you and Uncle Boyd just started wearing glasses. Where did my blindness come from??? I'm with Natalia--I must be really old since I haven't passed an eye exam since I was 8!